That means Qantas is officially responsible for the largest case of illegal sackings in Australian history.
This win is due to the massive efforts of TWU members who have fought to hold Qantas to account for its disgraceful conduct.
Over the past three years members have held national actions and protests, written to their MPs, participated in Senate Inquiries, signed petitions, appeared on ABC investigative journalist program Four Corners, and been part of this legal battle.
Most importantly, they have supported each other every day since the outsourcing decision was made and fought to the end.
Their story shows what we can do when we stand together.
This is a huge win for Qantas workers but also for workers across Australia.
Qantas has been found responsible for sacking workers to prevent them from exercising their rights to bargain and take protected industrial action.
We’ve sent a message to every other company in Australia that when they do wrong by workers, the TWU will stand up and fight.

What now?
Close the Loopholes
There’s a bill before Parliament which aims to close loopholes in our laws that companies like Qantas have exploited to outsource workers in the first place. We’re urging Federal Parliament to urgently pass that legislation.
Safe and Secure Skies Commission
We need an independent decision-maker that can return aviation to an industry that puts workers and the travelling public first— not executive bonuses.