Never walk alone.

We are the men and women who keep New South Wales moving.

Across the industry, transport workers understand the power of standing together to achieve real change at their workplace and in their communities. Our members play a vital role in the fight for a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work for all transport workers.

Together, we fight to secure the best pay, conditions and safety standards for transport workers, and to keep our families and communities safe while on the move in Australia.

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“For over a decade we have had a fair tendering process, delivering stability and decent wages & conditions. The only way to guarantee this for the future is by standing together.”

Simon, Waste Services

“With the union at my back, I’ve been able to stand up to discrimination in the workplace and negotiate for decent wages.”

Margaret, Road Transport

“Being in the union means we are represented by an experienced voice in the bus industry which gives us the power together to create change in our workplaces.”

Marta, Buses

"As a TWU member I joined the fight to improve the standards of the aviation industry. The union has never backed down from ensuring fairness is at the forefront at work."

Marion, Aviation


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