October 3, 2024


The Transport Workers’ Union of NSW (TWU) is calling on Qantas to put people before profit as the company’s freight division becomes the first airline to secure a 24-hour cargo precinct at the new Western Sydney International Airport.

The precinct, which is expected to support 2000 jobs during construction and 19,000 direct and indirect jobs across supply chains each year, provides an opportunity for Qantas to commit to principles laid out by the TWU’s campaign for a Safe and Secure Skies Commission.

The Commission would protect workers, passengers, and regional Australia by ensuring fair standards, accountability in supply chains, removal of unsafe practices, effective dispute resolution and strong collective representation for all.

Qantas has yet to take responsibility for the livelihoods of its workers as the company continues prioritise shareholder returns. Despite the High Court ruling in February 2023 that it illegally sacked 1,700 ground workers during the pandemic, these workers are still waiting for the compensation they are owed over a year later.

TWU NSW State Secretary Richard Olsen said the new cargo precinct was an opportunity for Qantas to show it values its workforce and was committed to safe, fair standards for all involved in the supply chain.

“For too long, Qantas has driven down conditions while inflating executive bonuses, leaving workers with insecure jobs and unsafe conditions. Qantas Freight’s involvement in the Western Sydney Airport must come with a commitment to fair standards across the board.”

“The Safe and Secure Skies Commission would ensure workers’ voices are heard, and Australian passengers are protected from the unsafe and unfair practices that Qantas has been notorious for.”

“The airline’s track record of cutting corners to boost profits cannot be allowed to continue. A Safe and Secure Skies Commission is essential to hold Qantas and other airlines accountable for the damage they’ve done to aviation workers over the past 15 years.”

MEDIA CONTACT: Adam Jacobson – 0405 625 208 / adam.jacobson@twunsw.org.au


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