September 30, 2024


TWU members are renowned across the country for taking action together to achieve breakthroughs in legislation, in workplaces, and to lift the transport industry as a whole.

We convoy, we protest, we strike when we need to, we lobby, we stand together through bargains and workplace disputes, and we do not relent. When we fight, when we make our demands with one powerful voice, when we stand strong and united right across the industry – we always win. 

On August 26, after our biggest, boldest two-decade fight, brand new transport reform laws came into effect. Now, we have our very own road transport division of the Fair Work Commission – something no other industry has. This is an incredibly powerful tool to lift standards for all transport workers, to eradicate the exploitative Amazon Effect, and to save lives on our roads. It came from an almighty fight – and now the fight continues to use this ground-breaking new tool to its full potential.

During the first week of reform going live, we submitted our first applications to the new system. To provide an immediate safety net for some of the most vulnerable workers in transport. 

The absence of standards in the gig economy has exploited gig workers, and threatened good, secure jobs right across the industry. Our applications for standards for gig food delivery riders, and last mile AmazonFlex gig workers and owner drivers call for a safety net on pay, cost recovery, superannuation, safety training, consultation rights and more. It’s the floor we need beneath an industry that has been in freefall – and we will fight like hell for it.

At the TWU we are strategic. We know the purse strings are pulled by those at the top of the supply chain, with a devastating effect on safety and fairness. That’s why we fought to ensure transport reform would include contract chain provisions to hold wealthy clients like Aldi to account. 

We’re using these provisions immediately, with an application for fair payment terms. The applications provide an urgent fix to the practice of wealthy clients delaying payment or attempting to cut rates year on year, putting financial strain onto operators and drivers. 

The squeeze on supply chains from wealthy clients like Aldi has for years caused deadly pressure on operators and drivers to cut corners in safety to stay afloat. It is literally a matter of life or death for these clients to be paying safe, sustainable rates for the transportation of their goods. But we know they won’t pay their fair share unless we demand it, and keep demanding it. That’s why in addition to these new laws, we are preparing to take on the fight to hold clients to account. 

In 2026, over 250 agreements expire at the same time. Agreements that span road transport and aviation. This gives us a powerful opportunity to turn the tide and demand that clients act responsibly, pay good transport operators their fair share, and ensure all transport workers in their supply chain can make a safe, decent living. 

And that’s not the only fight happening. In aviation, we’re utilising the Same Job Same Pay laws we campaigned for in Jetstar cabin crew and have plans for other workgroups like Qantas freight. We’re exploring multi-employer bargaining for ground workers. And we are ramping up our campaign for a Safe and Secure Skies Commission to reset and rebalance the industry. To give workers a voice. 

We are stronger together, and better yet, we know how to deploy that strength to improve the lives of transport workers up and down the country. We fight, and we win.

National Secretary, Michael Kaine


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