As a direct result of your countless visits to Canberra, convoys, sharing your stories, photos, videos, emails and more, we are now one step closer to real and tangible change in road transport, including the gig economy, as well as aviation.
Road transport and gig economy
- Would give the Fair Work Commission power to set minimum standards for gig workers, which would include protections for unfair deactivation
- The Fair Work Commission would also have the ability to set minimum standards for the whole road transport industry, and hear disputes about unfair contract terminations
- This would include a road transport industry panel, to ensure the industry is consulted on changes
- “Same job same pay” provisions in the bill would make sure that labour hire workers doing the same job will be paid the same as employees on an enterprise agreement
- What we’ve seen from companies like Qantas is deliberate use of labour hire to bring down pay and conditions, including through the illegal outsourcing of 1700 ground workers
- This Bill would ensure companies can’t use that loophole to get around the strong pay and conditions that workers have built up over many years
There are also provisions in the Bill for broader workplace issues around:
- Wage theft
- Industrial manslaughter
- Delegates’ rights
- Rights for casual workers