Inadequately resourced routes, unreasonable timetables, along with other variables, all contribute to the dilemma faced by drivers. The TWU has found that bus drivers often feel the need to skip toilet breaks in order to meet unrealistic timetables, and in many instances, do not even have access to bathrooms on their runs whenever they do need to use one.
To make matters worse, when a driver is able to access an appropriate facility, chances are it will be a run down, borderline unusable disaster. As much as we would love to share some of the material we have found on the pages of this journal, the pictures are absolutely sickening at worst, and eye watering at best.
Delaying the use of a toilet, especially on a daily basis (which is an unfortunate reality for many bus drivers), can have serious effects on health. For example, holding in urine for prolonged periods of time, repeatedly, can lead to bladder infections, kidney stones, and potential urinary tract infections due to bacteria build up.
The TWU has elected a Bus Leader Committee that will remain dedicated in this year’s fight for better amenities. Further research will be conducted into the state of NSW’s bus industry, as well as the overarching effects and implications of the lack of facilities. Watch this space.
“They say they want more bus drivers, and then ask why nobody is putting their hand up. I really wonder why that is? Maybe it has something to do with the atrocious facilities that drivers hardly even have access to. Maybe it has something to do with the unrealistic timetables that drivers are forced to run. We’re fighting for changes this year, for a better, safer, and genuinely appealing bus industry,” said Mick Pieri, Assistant State Secretary & Sydney Sub Branch Secretary.

MICK PIERI with the newly elected TWU Bus Leader Committee