
In May, we went to the NSW Parliament, and met with a number of parliamentarians in the government and in the crossbench to educate and share the issues and concerns we face daily in the bus industry.
In June, we went to the Bus Industry Taskforce Roundtable, and shared with industry leaders our stories and about how we are committed to improving conditions statewide.
In July, we launched our ‘Road to Reform: The TWU’s drive for better buses’ campaign at Charles St in Parramatta.
In August, bus drivers joined our Rally for Reform in solidarity with their transport brothers and sisters.
And in September, we won the Opal card for bus drivers across the state. Thank you for your hard work and unity in this fight, which will continue over the coming months.

We continue to work in the aviation sector to push for a Safe and Secure Skies Commission and better pay and conditions for all members.
We have multiple sites in bargaining, and DNATA PAX recently reached an In-Principle Agreement. I want to congratulate each and every single one of our members for your solidarity and hard work.
We are celebrating the recent High Court win and the resignation of Alan Joyce, which has lifted a massive weight off of the shoulders of the Aviation sector.
I would like to thank those of you who I saw at Delegates’ Conference for coming along, it was excellent to see each of you.