It was great to see delegates and veterans alike from the Newcastle & Northern sub-branch arrive in trucks, buses and private vehicles to join 600 of their transport brothers and sisters, who joined the industry Rally for Reform.

– Phil Latimer, TWU Executive Member, and Lead Delegate at Toll Tomago

Luke Jones said: “Our members from the Tomago yard haul dangerous goods around the clock, servicing the Hunters mining industry. It’s only ever a matter of time before ‘yet another’ news article reports the death of a fellow truck driver, or another road user. As heavy vehicle drivers we are stringently regulated, and very professional, yet the deaths continue because many of our competitors are under so much economic pressure, that they have no other option than to take dangerous risks and cut corners. Our members agree, we need Transport Reform NOW!

Newly elected HSR’s took a break from training with NSW Assistant Secretary, and Director of WHS and Training, Marija Marsic, to show their support for Industry reform. As sub-branch secretary, it’s always great to see so many enthusiastic members stepping up to roles such as HSR’s. Our TWU structures in the workplace is integral having a strong and resourceful Union, that win in the workplace. You couldn’t be in better hands when trained by Marija.
Congratulations to you all, and thanks for taking on such important workplace responsibilities. I know that the yards, and members you all represent will be all the better for your commitment.

Veterans for reform
Newcastle Veterans took a break from their quarterly meeting in June to show their support for the Transport Reform Now campaign.
Newcastle VET’s president Les Fetch, said:
“Even though retired, our VETs continue to turn out in support of our industry campaigns at every opportunity, and there has been no greater cause than industry reform, it’s long overdue.”
Long term TWU member, and former sub-contractor Greg Scott said:
“As a former owner-driver, I know just how hard is to make a reasonable living in the industry, the pressures often put on an owner driver to ensure the load is on time is very often totally unreasonable, and often leads to drivers taking dangerous risks, just to keep up truck payments. It’s a race to the bottom for many owner drivers. This is why we need Reform Now.”