We all know how important it is to have an education. The Union is lucky to have our NSW assistant State Secretary, Marija Marsic as Director of WHS and Education. Marija has also the assistance of trainer Oksana Zinenko who has a wealth of experience and visited Newcastle, training 30 delegates from the Hunter and Northern regional areas represented by the Newcastle sub-branch. I met and talked with each delegate in both delegate-training courses. Everyone was keen to learn more about how better to represent yards, and the workers in those yards. As the TWU Newcastle and Northern Sub-branch Secretary, I am proud to see so many delegates keen for training. Thank you all, and congratulations for taking on lead roles as Delegates.


It was a cold winter’s morning on July 30th, but that did not stop a busload of dedicated Newcastle delegates and members from jumping on a bus in the early hours of the morning, and heading to Canberra to join the Safe Rates convoy. The safe rates campaign led by our NSW State Secretary Richard Olsen, and National Secretary Michael Kaine, is one of great value, not only to TWU members, but to ALL transport workers and the greater community. With strong leadership from Richard and Michael leading the way, we will win back the much-needed reform.
As always, it is the support and dedication of “You”, the worker that counts where it is needed the most. Without dedicated members sacrificing some time to turn out and campaign for safety & fairness, any campaign would struggle to succeed. The fight is not over yet! So please, don’t be a spectator, turn out to support our member led campaigns and support the great leadership we have in our State and National Secretaries.

L to R: Ross Lightfoot – FedEx Co/Delegate, Doug Fox Newcastle Executive Chairman, Mick Forbes Newcastle Secretary attending the TWU Canberra Convoy
Our Newcastle delegates and veterans were there in numbers at the long awaited 2022 TWU NSW delegates conference. Our dedicated delegates and veterans turned out around 70 representatives, who praised the event. Congratulations to NSW State Secretary Richard Olsen, TWU sponsors and event organisers for putting on a great educational conference. Many of our seasoned delegates from the Newcastle sub-branch commented that after two years of Covid restrictions, it was great to catch up with everyone. Our new delegates were very impressed at the strength, power and unity the conference generated. Congrats to all.
Mick Forbes • Sub-branch Secretary