Introducing our member-led Newcastle sub-branch Executive committee 2024

The Newcastle sub-branch is truly members led. Sub-branch executives met throughout 2023 and oversaw general operations, including our campaigns at both state and national levels.
Many of executive members retired from their roles in 2023, leaving multiple vacant positions. I wish our former executive members well and welcome the delegates who stepped up to take on the executive roles.
For the first time in Newcastle history, we have women on the sub-branch executive committee. Maggie Lloyd (Busways) and Melinda Werner (Cleanaway) have been strong and dedicated delegates, in very tough industry environments, yet continue to fight stand up for workers’ rights.

Kicking off the year, with 15 delegates from across the sub-branch and multiple industries, were trained in Newcastle. They were eligible to take paid time off to attend this training under their EA terms.
This is another example of why standing united throughout bargaining, to gain power-building clauses, is well worth the fight!
Newcastle Vets

Our Newcastle Veterans committee are a great bunch of retired members that just keep on supporting the good fight. By turning out to regular meetings, convoys, and making the long journey to meet on the lawns of Parliament house to push through much needed industry reform. Huge congratulations to all of our Vets, with your help and commitment we did it again! Welcome to our new veteran members. We recognise your ongoing commitment and support to the TWU.
On behalf of the Newcastle sub-branch members, I’d like to congratulate former assistant state secretary Mick Pieri for his outstanding work and the outcomes he contributed to members. I know all members of the sub-branch join me in congratulating Mick on his retirement, and wish him and his family the best for the future.