With a number of EAs ready to be negotiated we are building up a campaign for the waste industry. The Majority of those EAs are with Cleanaway. Other companies are also in our sights. We are looking at the changes made by Suez who are selling up with most of the company going to Veolia.
In Cleanaway we have a great agreement with Randwick Council that protected pay and conditions, but unfortunately the maggots of the industry, Cleanaway, have tried to cancel the agreement which was organised by the TWU. Cleanaway put out their own agreement, which everyone but one office worker voted against. At Peakhurst Drivers are still working hard, with short staffing in the yard. The company has now stood down the delegate and we have run our first protected action based on the EA. The Enterprise Agreement is in place till 2023, they should honour it. What a sad day when their idea of trying to make this company better is by standing down a delegate. This delegate supported the company in making the contract better, they should support him.


Aviation over the last two years has been filled with uncertainty. Workers have faced long stand-downs, borders opening and closing, strict testing regimes and new waves of COVID smashing confidence in travel just as the industry begins. We look after important yards. There is a number of important EAs in play including dnata and Menzies. Dealing with dnata is important as they are the biggest operator in the airport involved in catering, freight and below the wing.
In Aviation, these are the hardest hit with any industry, Covid hit these people with all the force of a bullet. Now as the industry recovers and the members rebuild yards, we know we have to fight hard to ensure they get everything they deserve in EAs. We will fight with them for a stronger aviation future as the industry drags itself up from the ashes.
We have a fight too at QGS, members have not had a pay rise in two years, caught up in the Qantas debacle. The best that Qantas can come back with is a 0.2% payrise, despite a two-year wage freeze. Qantas should be ashamed.
Out in the Central West our Official Mark Smallwood is doing the rounds of yards. We are in negotiation with SCT at Parkes over an Enterprise Agreement. There’s discussion of a National Agreement for all at SCT but the company has refused the idea. The company put out their own proposal but it is now on hold as the company works out the details regarding the change of name for the company.
In the Central West, one of our main problems out there is Cleanaway. This company has refused to acknowledge the need for union representation, delegates’ rights or paid union meetings in the Agreement we are trying to negotiate. In the Central West of NSW, Cleanaway are trying to reduce your rights to access your Union.
Mick Pieri
TWU Assistant Secretary &
Sydney Central West Sub-branch