Delegates and members from Hanson Quarries (Kulnura & Seaham) can stand proud as they stood their ground in a tough fight for “Same Job-Same Pay”. After negotiations broke down with Hanson, members exercised their right to take protected industrial action which ultimately lasted six days including a “lockout” period put in place by the company.
As Newcastle & Northern Sub-branch secretary, I’m proud of our delegates, members and officials. When Hanson management enacted the “lockout”. Our members stood up and took their protest to Hanson head office at Parramatta, where commitments were made by Hanson to get back to the negotiation table. The member led campaign resulted in improved Union Conditions, including better rates of pay. Well done everyone. “United we stand; you will never walk alone!”

TWU Newcastle Veterans and members attended a Secure Work, Same Job – Same Pay rally with Federal Labor Senator, Tony Sheldon as the main speaker. Safe secure work receiving equal pay as the person doing the same job next to you, should not need to be something we have to fight for. It’s a real shame that the Liberal Government doesn’t even see it as a problem. Let’s make sure that the Libs don’t get another term.

TWU Delegates in our Newcastle Sub-branch, with Mick Forbes, Sub-branch secretary and Marija Marsic, TWU Assistant State Secretary, Director of WHS & Education. Delegate training with the TWU means that in the yard, you know your rights, how far you can push an issue, how to hold the boss accountable, and where to get support and help when you need it. Speak to your TWU official about TWU training.

Phil Latimer & Luke Jones (Toll Tomago) deserve congratulations for their unwavering dedication & support to TWU members. Phil & Luke were instrumental & influential throughout the 2021 EA negotiations and have worked tirelessly to develop processes to deal with multiple yard disputes. These two men are fine examples of dedicated delegates, and deserve congratulations for their strength & dedication.
Mick Forbes
Sub-branch Secretary