Join the TWU Rally for Reform 2023

We know our industry is being destroyed by undercutting and unfair competition.

Join our convoy and rally on the 5th of August this year, make our voices heard, and be a part of our fight to reform Australia’s deadliest industry

We need YOU to commit to joining us take action by coming along to this year’s convoy and rally outside of Parliament in Canberra.

Transport is Australia’s deadliest industry, with some of the highest rates of injuries, chronic health conditions and fatalities in the country.

It’s unacceptable that over 80 people have already lost their lives in truck-related incidents this year, with 24 of them being truck drivers [as at 10 May 2023].

Join our convoy to support real, lasting reform across our industry.


August 5th, 2023.


Location and further details to be announced.

Make sure you register now to receive updates.

What are we fighting for?

We are seeking to see reforms delivered to the regulation of rates across the transport industry.

We are taking action to support the Federal Government in creating a Road Transport Division of the Fair Work Commission which would have:

  • The ability to set minimum enforceable standards across all forms of work and applying to all transport supply chain participants.
  • Effectively and efficiently resolve all disputes between any and all supply chain participants.
  • Ensure all transport workers are able to access and contribute to an effective, collective voice.
  • Ability to convene specialist advisory groups sourced from across the road transport industry to provide advice and recommendations.
  • Have an adequately resourced research and enforcement arm.



Join the fight. Join your union.

Join Today