In my experience with the workers compensation system, there has been endless paperwork. It takes weeks or sometimes months for payments to come through and every medical visit, every scan or procedure takes months to be approved.

I have found that if you don’t have a solicitor or WIRO (the Workers Compensation Independent Review Office) supporting you, it just becomes too hard and you want to walk away.
To get a payout takes years. This system is a rip off to all workers.
In my experience, case handlers change every month, and every time you get a new one, you have to start again, explaining the story and repeating everything.
I want to know how much money is paid to the managers and board members at the top of icare, because it seems too difficult for them to help my family, despite the amount I have paid in premiums.
Workers Compensation is supposed to be a safety net for workers, it seems like it’s not, so I have one question for the NSW Government, “where is the f#%@ing money?”