October 2, 2019

The Driving Health Survey

There is an important survey doing the rounds and we need truck drivers to participate.

Everyday behind the wheel is different for every member, for some your health is affected,  long hours sitting down, stress, hazards around yards, bad food at truck stops with long periods spent alone away from family taking their toll. 

We know that some drivers are suffering from diabetes, chronic back pain, mental health problems, heart trouble, sleep apnoea or having trouble sleeping. 

We want to use the results of the survey to prove to those that need to care, how big the problem is. Without the survey results we can’t address the gaps in healthcare for our industry. 

The Driving Health survey is being carried out by Monash University in partnership with the TWU, Linfox and the Centre for Work Health and Safety. We need truck drivers to take the survey and so we can build up an accurate picture of their health.

For more information, watch this video from TWU National Secretary Michael Kaine:


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