The TWU National FedEx Negotiation Committee was called together today, FedEx wanted to make a
presentation to the Committee over Zoom. This was not a bargaining meeting.
FedEx told the TWU, “no”.
That’s a “no” to the whole log of claim from members. They have rejected your claim in its entirety.
“FedEx want to drive us down, they want to make us hungry and then they want to control us. It’s death by a thousand cuts, this is just the start, that’s the outcome they want, they want to control us.“
“We have gone into negotiations in good faith. The TWU is looking to work with FedEx to make this industry safer, to make the transport industry more sustainable and to beat the race to the bottom.”
FedEx have disrespected the TWU log of claims by saying no.
FedEx have gone the opposite direction, they want nothing to do with the TWU industry plan. FedEx do not want to work with us in looking for a way forward that improves the industry in the long term, even though their business is under direct threat from players like Amazon and Uber who are in the market.
From the Driver’s Perspective:
Geoff, FedEx Driver & TWU Member: “This is a direct insult to any worker who works at FedEx. We have worked the hard yards during Covid, driving the FedEx business forward, and their profits higher. We went into the community, nursing homes and shopping centres and more to move the freight. We are asking for a decent pay rise and conditions, not a slap in the face.”
Rob, FedEx Driver & TWU Member: “Members did the big hours, did the work while staff were short, and this is how the company repays us?”
Glenn FedEx Driver & TWU Member: “90 percent of office staff operate from home, we were out on the road, facing God knows what, this is just not going to cut it.”
Tony, FedEx Driver & TWU Member: “The company sought our assistance in allowing non-driving staff from sales and other areas to help out with the Christmas load, in good faith we assisted FedEx and let it happen. The problem is the company say so much and deliver so little. At the end of a tumultuous period, the company struck gold, everyone was working making a shed load of dough, and we have nothing from the company. “
In the next round of negotiations the TWU will be holding FedEx to account on its position.
Richard Olsen, NSW State Secretary says, “We will be rejecting the FedEx attempt to water down the agreement, and their attempt to weaken Dispute Resolution clauses. We will tell them very clearly why we have made the claims, claims like full utilisation, industry based partnerships for award reforms, union power clauses and more. We are trying to shore up transport companies like FedEx to secure the transport industry’s future.”
“FedEx told the TWU they recognise the threat to the market from organisations like Amazon and Uber and we have asked them to help us in our plan to fix the market and ensure a safer and fairer industry, and maintain a standard across the transport industry,” Richard Olsen said.
The TWU knows that if FedEx join the fight against the impact of the gig economy, together we can be a part of securing the current and future workforce and the industry as it stands. We are looking for a commitment to an agreement that covers owner drivers and employee drivers nationally. Those doing the same work, are ensured the same pay.
FedEx must not separate the workforce in negotiations, and we see they must allow a fair and equitable report back system.
Through their actions and refusal of the log of claims, it seems FedEx are trying to avoid taking their share of the responsibility for a safer transport industry. We know the National Bargaining Committee has a strong backing from members. The proposal by FedEx is jeopardising the future of the worker, in an industry that maintains it’s strength.
Now is the time to ensure you remain behind your TWU National Bargaining Committee.
If you are not a TWU member now is the time to join, add to the bargaining strength. Consider this question, if you are not joining the TWU fight for the FedEx agreement, are you just going to let the standards of our industry and your job, slide, because that’s what FedEx wants.