Yesterday, the NSW Minister for Industrial Relations introduced a long-awaited Bill to Parliament. This Bill will significantly reform Chapter 6 of the NSW Industrial Relations Act. To show our support for the legislation, TWU Leadership, owner drivers and gig workers rallied outside of the NSW Parliament in their vehicles. As the Minister addressed the Parliament, we blared the horns of every vehicle to let all politicians know that the TWU always turns out in force. |

After this, we met with supporting Members of Parliament to remind them of the life-saving impacts that Chapter 6 reform will have. To find out what changes are coming to this legislation, read more here.
TWU NSW State Secretary, Richard Olsen, said,
“I dedicate the fight for these changes to the 18 gig workers who have died on our roads over the past 10 years, without any protections.
I congratulate the Minns Government on the introduction of these changes, to ensure that all transport workers who are covered by Chapter 6 will be safe and will be able to earn a living in this industry.
This is the beginning of a new chapter.”
TWU NSW Assistant Secretary, Nick McIntosh, said:
“This Bill will create a race to the top in service, in technology, and in rates and conditions.
This Bill will help all road transport workers receive a fair day’s pay and make the industry safer and more sustainable into the future.”
This week, TWU leadership and bus industry delegates met with key personnel at Transport for NSW, following the TWU’s call on Transport to chair an urgent meeting on bus driver safety.
Following the previous NSW Government’s inaction, bus drivers across the state have simply had enough of the treatment they are subject to on a daily basis. Your bus industry delegates have vocalised their experiences, as well as those of their fellow yard mates – and with the support of the TWU, it has been made loud and clear to Transport for NSW that it has a responsibility to ensure the safety of both bus drivers and passengers.

Aggression, general incivility and even physical violence – anything that may be considered “anti-social behaviour” towards bus drivers is intrinsically linked to elements such as fare evasion, road rage and a fundamental lack of community education.
The TWU calls on Transport for NSW to commit to improving the conditions of bus drivers in the industry. Industry delegates shared their stories, and both TWU leadership and Transport for NSW officials heard that:
- One bus driver had been stabbed 27 times on the job.
- A driver had been threatened with a hammer, following a mere request for fare-evaders to exit the bus.
- A road rage incident, where the driver of a car had grievances with a bus simply doing its job, had escalated into a case of intense verbal aggression, vandalism to the bus in question, and the driver being subject to threats with a bat.
- Some drivers are subject to threats, violence and general incivility by individuals who then become “familiar faces” – daily passengers that the bus driver cannot do anything about.
The examples provided are just a few of many that were shared by bus delegates at the meeting. We have made Transport aware that the stories shared are just a snapshot of what drivers face every day while on the road.
“I congratulate our bus delegates for taking a stand and making their voices heard. Through your courage and leadership, the industry will become a better one. The treatment you are currently subject to is appalling, and the TWU calls on Transport for NSW to make serious commitments in remedying the current industry climate.” – Richard Olsen