July 5, 2024

TWU Enews

Check out last week’s TWU NSW Enews: Ampol Refuelers PAB and FedEx State Delegates Gather! Plus social media highlights and national news.

Holding airlines and airports accountable

I want to congratulate Ampol aircraft refuelers at Sydney Airport who this week have stood together strongly and participated in a vote for potential protected industrial action.

More than 50 workers have rightly refused this and voted for action – including strikes ranging from four hours to an unlimited period. No strike dates have been set yet.

Ampol claims keeping wages low is necessary to win contracts with big airlines like Qantas and Virgin.

Over the past 18 months, Qantas made $3.72 billion in profit, and the largest airports earned $1.7 billion last year.

This shows why its essential the government work with the TWU and support establishing a Safe and Secure Skies Commission to hold airlines and airports accountable.

Richard Olsen

FedEx State Delegates Gather

FedEx State Delegates gathered this morning to discuss their the next steps in bargaining for better wages and conditions!

Here’s some of the wins so far:

✅ Wage Increases: FedEx has increased its offer to +5% in the first year and +4.25% in the second year.
✅ Early Care Protections: No loss of earnings for medical appointments during work time if necessary, and they have the choice of doctor for injured workers.
✅ Stronger Voice at Work: Increased annual consultative meetings and improved induction rights for employees.

Aldi Must Become A Responsible Employer

Aldi must not ignore its responsibility for safety in Australia’s transport industry, the nation’s most dangerous sector. 

Coles, Woolworths, transport employers, owner driver associations, and transport workers have united to call for a safer, fairer, and more sustainable industry.

In response, Federal Parliament has passed lifesaving reforms. But Aldi is missing from this important effort.
As both a supermarket and transport operator, Aldi refuses to acknowledge its role in the industry’s dangerous pressures.We are giving Aldi one last chance to work with us.

If they continue to resist, we will use legislative powers to hold them accountable.

Join the TWU’s fight to hold Aldi to account!  

Aviation Industry Survey

Aviation needs a reset. For years, airport and airline executives have protected their bonuses and hoarded profits – profits made by hardworking people.

TWU members above and below the wing have been fighting hard and winning to lift standards in our enterprise agreements, but there’s a long way to go to rebuild good, secure jobs.

And for that, we need the help of a Safe and Secure Skies Commission.

Have your say by completing the survey here

Check out last week's TWU NSW Enews: Garbos Award, Politicians support, and a FWC Win For Ampol Workers! Plus social media highlights and national news.

TWU National News

Bonza’s collapse is a huge blow to workers and regional Australia. 

Instead of an obsession with profits and executive bonuses, we need an aviation industry that serves workers, passengers and our communities. 

That means pulling bigger players like Qantas, which has engineered the decline in standards, into line.

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