We play a key role in ensuring that we do everything we can to create accountable and safe supply chains.
We work hard to increase safety in the industry so that every single transport worker in NSW can go home from work the same way they left that morning.

Our fight is paying off.
We have seen key wins over the last few months, including the transport reform legislation being tabled which we have been fighting for over years.
We saw a change in state government which means we finally have a seat at the table in key decisions and have the ability to hold that government to account.
Congratulations to all who attended this years’ Delegates Conference, which provided us the opportunity to come together and hear from across the transport sector. We shared our wins and our plans for the future, and heard from key industry leaders as well.
Our Rally for Reform saw a record-breaking number of transport workers alongside industry stakeholders head down to Federal Parliament in Canberra, to share one clear message – we need reform. The legislation has just been tabled by Minister for Workplace Relations Tony Burke, and it is going to save lives.
We finally saw the resignation of Alan Joyce, the man who brought on the destruction of a well-loved Australian brand, alongside the High Court’s ruling to reject Qantas’ appeal.
Our campaign for a Safe and Secure Skies Commission continues, as we look toward reforming the industry which has been so outrageously degraded.
We have been to the NSW Parliament to share what has been happening in the bus industry, and how over the past decade pay and conditions were undermined by the NSW Government. We are finally being given a seat at the table in over 10 years.
We saw the first win of our Road to Respect bus campaign, which was to see Opal Cards brought in for bus drivers across the industry.
The work each and every one of our members is doing out there in their yards is invaluable.
To each of our transport brothers and sisters who, this year have been fighting to improve conditions through their EBAs, through going on strike and our delegates and HSRs who are continuing to push for safer and more sustainable working environments, we thank you.
As a union, we will continue to back each and every single one of our members. This is how we will win as we continue the fight.
Tony Matthews,
TWU President