The TWU has taken on Qantas, the NSW/ACT bus industry and we will continue to work in all industries on the ground and in the air. We want to ensure that your employers, or those that you contract to, are taking on their share of the responsibility to keep you healthy and safe where you work.
We know you have many questions, as no one yet knows what the full impact of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic will be. This information sheet will assist you in your workplace to understand your rights. We can all work together to keep our transport industry as safe as possible.
Employer Responsibilities
Under the Work Health and Safety Act
The person conducting the business or undertaking (PCBU) must eliminate or minimise the risk of contracting Coronavirus in the workplace. It is not good enough for the PCBU to tell you to listen to the advice of the NSW Health Department – they must consider the specific risks of Coronavirus in your workplace, to you as their worker.
This must include:
- Identifying the risk of Coronavirus to workers in the specific work you do
- Assessing these risks
- Reviewing their current policies to ensure they are effective in the context of Coronavirus
- Controlling these risks
What to do if your PCBU isn’t doing what they’re supposed to be doing
- As a worker you have the power to force your PCBU to respond to Coronavirus
- Tell your employer you want them to assess the risk of Coronavirus in your workplace
- If you have an HSR, contact them for help with this
- Contact the TWU if your requests are ignored
- If at any point you feel you are at serious risk of contracting Coronavirus from your work you may cease unsafe work, once you have consulted with your PCBU and they have not taken any steps to minimise the risk
Remember: you must be consulted on all these steps. Consultation means you have input in the decision-making process and have your views properly considered.