Yards across every transport sector have resolved to take a stand for one united fight to demand safe and fair industry rates and conditions for all workers that are funded by our clients.
It’s not too late for your yard to join the fight that will help our industry to be safer and fairer for those who work in it.

When Transport Workers stand together we have real power. If you are not yet part of the 2020 Action, talk to our Members Service Centre or your TWU Official to find out more.
Clients at the top of the supply chain have created a race to the bottom and it is Transport Workers like you that have paid the price. Either you have had to accept wage freezes, hits to overtime, job insecurity or you are threatened with contract losses. More casual workers are being employed, full time work is harder to find, wage theft is rampant. The need for a safer and fairer transport industry has never been more urgent.
The system is broken and it’s causing unacceptable safety risks as well. We are letting the industry know we want accountability at the top of the supply chain.
We must make our voice powerful, our fight strong and as union members, we must be the leaders to ensure a safer and fairer transport industry.
We are about to start phase two of the most concerted push in our Union’s history to strengthen our bargaining power and put safety and fairness at the heart of the transport industry.
We are making a claim on companies.
- We will be demanding industry rates.
- We need better superannuation for all Transport Workers.
- Transport Workers need job security, that is secure, permanent and includes directly employed jobs as well as site rates and cost recovery for owner drivers.
- We will demand workplace rights and consultation to ensure members have a strong voice.
- We will be demanding industry sustainability, a better future with fair legislation, a transport watchdog and contributions to an industry training fund.
For more detail on the claim visit the TWU NSW website here: http://bit.ly/industry-claim-faq
The TWU will be making available to you and those in your yard a petition to sign. Transport Workers in your yard will be standing together with thousands of Transport Workers across Australia to make our claim on clients.
The transport industry is in crisis. Rates, conditions and safety standards are being driven down in a race to the bottom with excessive undercutting and outsourcing.
We demand those with the control, the power and the money at the top of the supply chain – our clients – step up and ensure our rates and conditions are guaranteed and funded throughout their transport supply chains.
Keep the 2020 conversation alive in your yard, together we can build a safer and fairer transport industry.
It is you who will help us get there. For more information contact our Members Service Centre on 1800 729 909.

More news on the Metrotheft story
The TWU has made a further application to the Federal Circuit Court about Metromix for their act of Metrotheft and the Judge has now ordered penalties must be paid by the company. Metromix happily took the taxpayer dollar working on NSW government projects, whilst engaging in wage theft.
Metromix was found in the Federal Court to have failed to properly pay meal allowances to a member since 2013. Metromix were ordered by a Judge to pay back our member’s unpaid wages. More on the story here – http://bit.ly/metro-theft