Transurban tell us it’s in their cosy agreement with the NSW Government. The agreement is going to leave future generations in debt to a private company for years to come.
Transurban is profiting in the millions of dollars each year at the expense of the transport industry.
Richard Olsen, NSW State Secretary of the Transport Workers’ Union said, “The controller of 13 out of 15 toll roads in Sydney is again sinking their claws deeper into the income earned by transport workers. The NSW Government has paved the way by allowing a toll road monopoly in this state that allows the shareholders of Transurban to continue to unfairly rort transport workers through tolls and administration fees.”
Toll road costs represent a significant and growing expense for contract carriers (owner drivers) who too often are unable to recover these costs from Principal Contractors. Major transport companies are also on record, directing drivers to avoid toll roads in Sydney as they see no significant benefit in paying the costs of tolls.
The harsh reality for transport operators is that the marketplace is competitive, where contracts of carriage are secured on the basis of which Contract Carrier accepts the lowest rate of remuneration for their work. This income is currently falling short of being able to cover the costs of the vehicle, the maintenance of the vehicle and more, let alone toll charges.
Heavy vehicle users are also forced to use increasingly expensive toll roads with no free alternative route. On 1 July the NorthConnex increases to $24.83 for heavy vehicles, either direction. For a Heavy Vehicle to use Pennant Hills Road a fine of $194 still applies.
There is no relief in sight, with the NSW Government refusing to provide toll road relief for heavy vehicle operators in their recent state budget.
The TWU also notes that the NSW Government has continually failed to consult with heavy vehicle operators or their representative the TWU, prior to changes being made to tolling regimes.